Seasonal Climate Outlook

Bureau of Meteorology seasonal climate outlook

The Bureau of Meteorology’s climate outlooks are generated by a dynamical (physics based) coupled atmosphere-ocean climate model.

The Bureau of Meteorology’s current seasonal outlook has a near-neutral outlook for winter, indicating a 40-50% chance of exceeding median rainfall for the SWLD. Predictive skill is mostly poor to moderate (50-65% consistent).

Temperature outlooks for winter, June to August, from the Bureau indicate a 60-80% chance of above normal day-time maxima for the SWLD. Skill is low to moderate at 45-65% consistent. Minimum temperature outlooks indicate a 55-80% chance of above normal night-time minima for the SWLD, with skill poor to good at 50-75% consistent.

Rainfall outlook for June to August 2018 for Western Australia from the Bureau of Meteorology. Indicating 40-50% chance of exceeding median rainfall for winter.
Rainfall outlook for June to August 2018 for Western Australia from the Bureau of Meteorology.
Percent Consistent skill of the Bureau of Meteorology’s outlook for June to August rainfall. Indicating 50 to 75 percent consistent skill.
Percent Consistent skill of the Bureau of Meteorology’s outlook for June to August rainfall.