
Respiration and transpiration are the most important postharvest processes affecting storage life and quality of vegetables.

Postharvest life can be prolonged and quality can be maintained by reducing the rate of respiration and transpiration.

Matching water supply in the soil to crop demand using good irrigation practice is important to produce a high quality potato crop.

When different fruits and vegetables are stored together, one foodstuff may be tainted by odours given off by another. A second important problem is that optimum storage temperatures and relative humidities for different produce vary widely.

The Greener Pastures project was set up to assist the Australian dairy industry meet the two major challenges in managing high performing pasture systems: maintaining profitability while meeting the expectations of a community that is increasingly sensitive to environmental issues.

The Greener Pastures project was set up to assist the Australian dairy industry meet the two major challenges in managing high performing pasture systems: maintaining profitability while meeting the expectations of a community that is increasingly sensitive to environmental issues.

Five varieties provide Western Australian chickpea growers with their best options for growing. These include PBA Striker, PBA Slasher, PBA Maiden, Neelam and Ambar.

The red and green kangaroo paw is the floral emblem of Western Australia.

Kangaroo paw flowers are grown for both the local and export cut flower markets. They are also used as amenity plants providing a block of colour and are fairly drought tolerant.

Farms in the agricultural areas of south-west Western Australia are particularly susceptible to fire in the hot, dry summer months – accidental and intentionally started fires are not uncommon.

The Pome and Summer Fruit Orchard Spray Guide 2020-21 provides information on chemical products, both registered and those as minor use permits, to control insect, mite and mollusc pests, diseases and weeds in orchards in Western Australia.

This page provides a brief overview of the avocado industry in Western Australia, with links to other relevant information.

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