Perth regions

The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) provides this information to support managers and others suffering from the effects of fire on the farm.

Trees are an important part of any property.

They help prevent erosion by stabilising the soil and control salinity through their intake of water. They also provide shelter and shade for livestock, crops and pastures and generally improve the aesthetics of a property.

This article outlines the conditions for growing truffles in the South-West of Western Australia.

The Department of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia (DAFWA) initiated a pest risk analysis (PRA) to consider biosecurity risks associated with the import of fresh table grape bunches from other Australian states and territories.

Classical swine fever (CSF), also known as hog cholera, is a highly contagious disease of pigs caused by a pestivirus. The disease only affects pigs and is exotic to Australia. People are not affected by classical swine fever

Measure water quality and quantity to effectively plan and monitor water supplies for livestock. If water quality is poor, livestock may drink less than they need, or rarely, may stop drinking altogether.

Blue-green algae are a group of algae including Nodularia spumigena, Microcystis aeruginosa and Anabaena circinalis. They can produce spectacular blooms appearing like iridescent green paint or curdled greenish milk on water surfaces.

Each year since 1978 the Department of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia has awarded a trophy at the Mount Barker Wine Show to the wine displaying the Best and Most Distinctive Regional Character.

Liver fluke is a parasite of ruminants and is not present in Western Australia.

Capsicums (Capsicum annuum) and chillies (Capsicum frutescens) are cultivated as annual vegetables while the edible parts are botanically fruit. They belong to the Solanaceae family along with  tomatoes, potatoes and eggplant.

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