Regional and Seasonal content

Please note: This content may be out of date and is currently under review.

The Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (known as DRFAWA) commenced as of 1 November 2018 and provide a range of measures designed to help those within disaster affected communities. 

Former department staff members are eligible to join the Agriculture Western Australia Ex-employees Association for a nominal lifetime fee.

In the third edition of the Wine Industry Newsletter for 2021, West Australian specific topics include a review of Pinot Noir clones, free trunk disease testing for producers, a new snail research...

1. Comparison of udder and teat traits in merino ewes recorded at lambing
2. Using lupins and the ram effect to improve reproductive performance in Merino ewes in southern Australia

In this edition read about oral lesions in a calf, annual ryegrass toxicity and horse deaths and what to look out for to keep your livestock healthy.

DPIRD recognises the importance of reducing emissions in agricultural systems and are dedicated to implementing sustainable practices that mitigate environmental impacts while contributing to incre

Western Australia is free of some diseases that are endemic to other areas in Australia.

The Western Australian Farming Systems project is a 5 year co-investment by the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) and the Grains Research and Development Corporation

The following resources can help you plan a  carbon farming project.

The Crop Protection team provides industry with effective, rapid and efficient on-farm management strategies to minimise losses from pests, weeds and diseases.

The NGDSI is a groundbreaking national initiative with a focus on biosecurity. The DPIRD Crop Protection team is conducting research to help provide the grains industry with fast, accurate diagnost

Extrata® is a new data exchange platform designed to assist WA primary producers to gain actionable insights to boost their operational performance.

Project targets traits for enhanced wheat yields, strengthening against frost
DPIRD experiment reveals the best techniques for water repellent sand at Moora
Empowering growers with tools...

To provide Australian growers with access to management options that can increase the reliability of canola establishment. 

Start date: 12/12/2022
Finish date: 30/06/2026

A farm’s data from the tractor, header, weather stations and soil moisture probes often sit in various online clouds and can be difficult to access.

Information on this page can be used by pastoralists to estimate stocking rates using standard units.

Primary producers are gaining an edge by leveraging data to inform decision-making and improve their farm's productivity.

By 2025, the opportunity and value of adopting in-season agronomic practices for the avoidance of frost damage are validated and quantified. 

This project aims to provide continued access for growers and breeders to independent, accurate, consistent, and timely source of comparative, disease resistance data on commercially available cult

The Crop Science and Grain Production team provide industry with the information and tools to optimise management of major crop types and varieties for yield and quality in the context of seasonal


Page last updated: Wednesday, 31 May 2017 - 5:05am