Regional and Seasonal content

Please note: This content may be out of date and is currently under review.

The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) maintains animal health surveillance and disease control programs to support Western Australia's high animal health status.

The Primary Industries Development Research Highlights 2021 showcases the breadth and depth of the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development’s research and development acti

The strength of the Australian citrus industry and its profile in domestic and export markets rely heavily on the consistency and taste of its products.

Up to date autumn/winter and winter/spring insecticide spray guides are provided by the department every year to help growers and consultants manage insect pests in canola, lupin and cereal crops.

PestFacts WA (formerly known as PestFax) is an interactive reporting service delivered by DPIRD, providing risk alerts, current information and advice on pests and diseases threatening crops and pa

In this issue:

1. Causes of abortion and lamb mortality for maiden ewes in WA
2. Ultrawide band microwave scanning precisely and accurately predicts sheepmeat hot carcase GR tissue...

The Plant and Plant Product Traceability Project commenced in 2021 and is part of a national initiative to improve traceability within the agricultural sectors.

Under the Biosecurity and Agriculture Management (Identification and Movement of Stock and Apiaries) Regulations 2013, all movements of livestock must be accompanied by a valid waybill. 

Identification of livestock in Western Australia is required under the Biosecurity and Agriculture Management (Identification and Movement of Stock and Apiaries) Regulations 2013 [BAM (IMSA) regula

Registration of owners and identification of livestock in Western Australia is required by law under the Biosecurity and Agriculture Management (Identification and Movement of Stock and Apiaries) R

The Northern Beef Development program aims to support the Western Australian northern beef industry to become more profitable, resilient, and sustainable.

Citrus gall wasp (Bruchophagus fellis) is a pest of citrus trees. Discovered in the suburb of Eden Hill in 2013 it is now an established pest in Perth.

This page has a series of maps that looks at future climate projections of the South West Land Division using data from Climate Services for Agriculture website.

Expressions of interest for membership to the three Industry Funding Scheme (IFS) Management Committees and Review Panel are now closed.

All livestock in Western Australia must be correctly identified according to species.

This page hosts the 2018 frost trial information, handy project resources and the frost severity maps (from August).

Frost occurs on clear nights in early spring when the air temperature drops to 2°C or less.

The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) plays a major role in addressing the impact of frost on WA growers through a combination of on-farm research and development ac

The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development's (DPIRD) network of automatic weather stations and radars throughout the state provide timely, relevant and local weather data to assi

Rainfall to date graphs show the amount of rainfall accumulated from the start of the grain growing season and can be used as a tool in the seasonal decision-making process.


Page last updated: Wednesday, 31 May 2017 - 5:05am