Regional and Seasonal content

Please note: This content may be out of date and is currently under review.

Maintaining feed-on-offer at around 2 t DM/ha for four weeks around the Timerite® date in spring can effectively control RLEM in the following growing season.

The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development investigated land suitability and water availability for irrigated crop development in the Midlands region of Western Australia.

The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development investigated groundwater processes leading to reduced water quality, and identified land suitable for expansion of the Myalup irrigatio

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iLime compares liming strategies on your paddock

A new Western Australian Exporter Directory to support the State’s agrifood and beverage sector to expand and diversify into overseas markets has been released.

Apr 2018
26 November 2021

Objective: to understand the language around business finances.

This workshop is an opportunity to look beyond the physical production of your farming business to...

The Partnering for Customer Value initiative commissioned 11 case studies profiling 14 agribusinesses in the horticulture, livestock, dairy, grains, seafood and processed foods sectors, across smal

The P4CV initiative commissioned 11 case studies profiling 14 agribusinesses in the horticulture, livestock, dairy, grains, seafood and processed foods sectors, across small, medium and large enter

The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development’s (DPIRD) Food Industry Development branch works with industry to support the growth of an internationally competitive Western Australi

The linked calculator is only for high rainfall (>600 mm annual) pastures in South West Western Australia.

People with a passion for soil and the integral role this important resource plays in sustaining agriculture, the environment and life on earth are invited to come and celebrate World Soil Day earl

A successful crop of stonefruit has been harvested in the eastern Pilbara recently, as part of a unique proof-of-concept trial by the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIR

There has been a change of guard leading the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development’s (DPIRD) frost research, development and extension.

The 2022 Western Australian Crop Sowing Guide is now available to assist grain growers to plan next season’s seeding program, with a wealth of credible, independent material to optimise crop produc

The first year of trial crops from a long-term Future Farming Systems project are being harvested, which will provide a unique comparison between a range of approaches to broadacre production.

The development of Western Australia’s fledgling safflower industry is being supported by a series of research trials in the north of the State.

A list of current Biosecurity and Agriculture Management Act 2007 management plans in Western Australia.

Stable fly is a declared pest in numerous shires surrounding the Perth metropolitan area. 

Western Australia (WA) has many competitive advantages as a location for beef production, processing and export to target markets.

Do you want your small property to be a profit-making rural business or provide a dream lifestyle?


Page last updated: Wednesday, 31 May 2017 - 5:05am