
Below is a step-by-step guide for veterinarians produced by the Department of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia for performing blood smears for diagnostic use.

The conventional method for brain removal involves sawing through the bone of the dorsal cranium and removing a cap of bone to expose the brain.

Selecting the right tube for the chosen blood test, taking sufficient samples, and careful handling of those samples gives DAFWA Diagnostic Laboratory Services (DDLS) pathologists the best chance o

The Biosecurity and Agriculture Management Act 2007 requires that certain diseases must be reported to the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) if they are kno

Newcastle disease is a severe viral disease of poultry and other birds.

Pregnancy toxaemia and hypocalcaemia affect lambing ewe flocks and have similar signs but different causes.

All ruminants (including sheep, cattle and goats) require cobalt in their diet for the synthesis of vitamin B12.

This is a visual guide to a thorough chicken necropsy. Correct necropsy and sampling will increase the likelihood of a definitive diagnosis.

‘Calf scours’ is when young calves develop diarrhoea and become dehydrated. The scour can be white, yellow, grey or blood-stained, and is often foul-smelling.

African swine fever (ASF) is a highly contagious virus that causes an often fatal disease in pigs and wild boar.

Eperythrozoonosis is a disease in sheep and goats caused by the bacterium mycoplasma ovis (formerly known as eperythrozoon ovis).

This page describes the causes and signs of salt poisoning of livestock as well as how to treat and prevent the condition.

Slender iceplant, Mesembryanthemum nodiflorum, is a small, succulent, winter-growing annual weed, most common in the eastern Wheatbelt.

This resource is a guide for veterinarians when investigating disease in poultry.

Screw worm fly is considered the most serious exotic pest threatening Australia's livestock industries and could cost up to $500 million a year in lost production and control measures if it entered

Classical swine fever (CSF), also known as hog cholera, is a highly contagious disease of pigs caused by a pestivirus. The disease only affects pigs and is exotic to Australia.

Australian bat lyssavirus (ABLV) is a virus that infects Australian flying foxes (fruit bats) and microbats.

Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) approved procedure for detection of trematode eggs and Eimeria leuckarti sedimentation method (FEST) on faecal samples.

There are multiple possible causes of both infertility and abortion in ewes, but making a definitive diagnosis is often difficult. Some diseases which are exotic to Australia can cause abortions.

Anthrax is a bacterial disease of animals, most commonly seen in cattle, sheep and goats.

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