
The bumblebee is familiar to many people who have visited Europe and Tasmania however, this ‘cute’ exotic bee could become a serious pest if it is unwittingly introduced to Western Australia.

Thrips are small slender insects (1.2mm long by 0.1mm), just visible to the naked eye.

Cockroaches are primitive and highly successful animals and their general body form has changed little in the past 300 million years.

You’ve probably seen adults stamp their big feet in frustration when they realise bugs have munched through the vegie patch and mould has spoiled their flowers.

Various insects and mites can damage vegetables in home gardens at all stages of growth.

The swarming process is part of the natural reproductive life cycle of honey bee colonies.

Bees are becoming more of a problem because of the extension of residential areas into native bushland and the increase in the number of swimming pools, which attract bees, particularly in hot weat

Mediterranean fruit fly (Ceratitis capitata) is a serious horticultural pest in Western Australia. It attacks a range of cultivated fruits and some fruiting vegetables.

Whiteflies or snow flies (Aleyrodidae) are tiny, sap-sucking insects often found on the underside of leaves.

Bananas in the Ord River Irrigation Area face two major insect pests (banana weevil borer and sugarcane bud moth) and two mites (russet and two-spotted).

Pets are most likely to be affected by parasitic pests from spring to autumn.

Coastal brown ants (Pheidole megacephala), also called big-headed ants, are a major nuisance ant species in Western Australia. They are an urban pest and are often seen in lawns and in bri

Western Australia has a low prevalence of citrus pests and diseases compared to most other countries.

Find out more about the most common insect pests of citrus trees occurring in home gardens in Western Australia and their control using natural or low toxic chemical controls.

Various insects and mites can damage native plants in home gardens. A description of some of the more important insect pests is given here, together with general methods for control.

Ground pearls are closely related to scale insects and can be serious pests of sugarcane and recreational turf.

Heavy infestation of aphids caused significant yield loss to canola in a high rainfall environment

Many landholders use compost and animal manure to improve their soil’s structure, texture, aeration, fertility and water-holding capacity.

This trial investigated if feeding damage caused by cabbage aphid causes yield loss in canola. The trial was established to re-investigate management guidelines for aphid colonies in canola.

Dried fruit and milled cereal products have been subject to insect attack ever since humans began to store food.