Small landholders in Western Australia

In Western Australia, small landholders (1-100ha) are responsible for an estimated 60 000 properties, totalling 650 000 hectares of agricultural land being used for a range of agricultural activities and levels, and different lifestyles.

Small landholders are usually located on the outer edges of urban development in towns and cities with their impact on water resources and quality, land condition and biosecurity more concentrated in these areas.

The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development has information available to assist small landholders to effectively manage their property, land and water resources, and agricultural production.


  • Soil erosion looks unsightly and greatly compromises the sustainability and profitability of your farm. Managing soil to minimise erosion is essential.

  • Accurate soil tests allow small landholders to make sound decisions about fertiliser management for productive crops and pastures.

  • Acidic soils cause significant losses in production, restricting crop and pasture choice. Acidic soil, particularly in the subsurface, will restrict root access to water and nutrients.