Grains Research & Development

The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development has grains research and development connections across Australia and with more than 25 countries worldwide – ranging from collaboration with Japanese flour millers involved with the udon noodle industry through to seeking out barley genes tolerant of acid soils on the Tibetan Plateau and commercialising department-bred lupin varieties for use in the Chilean salmon industry.

These research, development and extension linkages and partnerships underpin the department’s capacity to tackle grains issues of national and regional agricultural importance and deliver profitable management solutions to the state’s 4000 grain producers.

The department is committed to leading and contributing to specific priority areas of research and development through the Grains Industry National Research, Development and Extension (RD&E) Strategy.

The Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC) – a national organisation coordinating research and development of behalf of Australian grain growers is a key funder of the department's grain research, development and extension activities.

Major initiatives being undertaken through the GRDC-DPIRD partnership include developing solutions to frost and soil constraints, which together can cost the Western Australian grains industry hundreds of millions of dollars in lost production each year.

Grains Research and Industry Development Projects


  • A small decrease in soil pH represents a large increase in soil acidity.

  • Agricultural lime is any product that is used to increase the pH of soil. In Western Australia, the three main sources are limesand, limestone and dolomitic lime.

  • Carbonate from calcium carbonate (or magnesium carbonate) neutralises acid in the soil.

  • Convert to 100% neutralising value (NV) for equal comparison and discount to allow for differences in particle size and speed of reaction.

  • Soil acidity is a major constraint to farming in Western Australia.