Season 2024: information for WA farmers

Page last updated: Monday, 29 April 2024 - 9:35am

The Season 2024 webpage contains seasonally relevant information and management options in the broadacre and south-west agricultural areas along with the Southern Rangelands of Western Australia.

Latest updates and advice

The Cook Government has announced a $8.6 million funding package to support agricultural industries and rural communities impacted by the current drought conditions. Applications will open in May.


Livestock management has information to assist decision-making in challenging seasonal and industry conditions. Cattle producers and small landholders in the South West affected by dry season conditions are urged to regularly monitor their herds and take action early to ensure the condition and welfare of animals. See Southern beef - dry season management.

Seasonal management




Animal health and welfare 



Soil erosion risk is high in areas with low groundcover from poor crops impacted by a very dry growing season. Managing existing groundcover is important to prevent wind erosion over summer and autumn.


Farm water supplies are inadequate in a few areas of the south-west and wheatbelt, particularly around Grass Patch and Salmon Gums which have been declared water deficient. It is important to plan for and invest in reliable on-farm water supplies. 

Fire season

The fire season began early due to dry, warm conditions. Visit Department of Fire and Emergency Services’- Prepare Warnings & Incidents, Recovery for resources on preparing for a fire. Refer to Farm recovery after fire if your property has been affected by fire.

Climate situation and outlook

Rainfall outlook from the Bureau of Meteorology for May to July 2024 is mostly neutral.  May is likely to be drier than normal, with rain chances improving from June. See seasonal outlook video for more details and check monthly updates to the Seasonal Climate Outlook

Funding and support services

Information on support services is available to assist rural people of WA in stressful situations on the WA's rural support services webpage and directory, including Regional Men’s Health Initiative, Rural Aid, LifelineBeyond Blue and the Rural West financial counselling service.

For resources and information on grants and funding available to assist growers, pastoralists and industry experiencing hardship in challenging times, please refer to Funding and support information.





South West & Great Southern

Kelly Hill


Brendan Nicholas


Juana Paynter

Gascoyne & Mid West

Christine Zaicou-Kunesch