Regional and Seasonal content

Please note: This content may be out of date and is currently under review.

A leading American-based expert specialising in large-scale dairy farming systems has met with Western Australian dairy leaders to examine growth opportunities for the sector.

Grain growers and harvest contractors are reminded to pay attention to harvest hygiene and prevent any destructive pests from threatening the State’s crop.

Home gardeners and south coast farmers are urged to look out for a weed which poses a risk to barley crops and is toxic to livestock.

Citrus growers and industry representatives from throughout Western Australia recently gathered at Harvey at a sustainability field day.

Producers are advised that anaemia in cattle has been detected on two properties in the Southern Agricultural Region.

South Perth-based AGWEST Plant Laboratories have met proficiency standards for the identification of fungal, bacterial and viral plant pathogens.

The Department of Agriculture and Food today met with industry leaders to present the findings of two reports into the agriculture and food sector in Western Australia.

Donnybrook residents are urged to be on the lookout for unusual birds after the discovery and capture of an Asian tree sparrow in the Argyle area.

Participants in field days over the coming months have been urged to ensure biosecurity remains a top priority to help safeguard Western Australia's agricultural industries.


Page last updated: Wednesday, 31 May 2017 - 5:05am