Regional and Seasonal content

Please note: This content may be out of date and is currently under review.

There are a variety of possible causes of diarrhoea in adult cattle and they are often different to the common causes of diarrhoea, or scours, in calves.

WA now has the best Doppler radar coverage in Australia, thanks to the completion of construction on the State's coastal radar network.

The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development’s (DPIRD) Statistical Seasonal Forecast (SSF) outlook for August to October is generally neutral (40-60%) chance of exceeding median...

eConnected has collated relevant agricultural technology (ag-tech) publications, reports and links for your information.

The State Government has made a $5 million investment in further Doppler technology as part of the $75 million Agricultural Infrastructure Investment Fund to provide complete Doppler radar coverage

The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development’s (DPIRD) Statistical Seasonal Forecast (SSF) outlook for July to September is neutral (40-60%) chance of exceeding median rainfall,...

The following resources have been produced by the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) to assist veterinarians in selecting and preparing samples and conducting livesto

The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, Western Australia, has produced a visual guide to assist in carrying out a thorough ruminant animal post-mortem.

The Veterinary sample packaging guide was developed by the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD), Western Australia, to assist veterinarians to package biologic

Technology plays an integral role in ensuring our State’s agricultural sector remains profitable and sustainable.

The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development’s (DPIRD) Statistical Seasonal Forecast (SSF) outlook for winter, June to August and June to October 2020 is indicating less than a 40...


Avocado fruits are affected by two diseases: stem end rots and body rots.

The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development’s (DPIRD) Statistical Seasonal Forecast (SSF) outlook for May to July 2020 is indicating less than 40% probability of above median...

Phytophthora cinnamomi is the scientific name of the causal organism of phytophthora root rot, sometimes only called root rot.

African swine fever is a highly contagious virus that causes high death rates in pigs.

Getting all your weather information in one place is now even easier, thanks to the launch of the eConnected Grainbelt Project

The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development has created a sampling and post-mortem guide to assist veterinarians investigating pig disease. 

This edition includes articles on:

Pregnancy Scanning Benchmarks Tool

Using non-invasive microwave to measure fat depth on lamb carcasses

Stress and reproductive hormones are...

African swine fever (ASF) is a highly contagious virus that causes an often fatal disease in pigs and wild boar.


Page last updated: Wednesday, 31 May 2017 - 5:05am