
The internet has revolutionised the way in which business is conducted, impacting every aspect of a business, from record and account keeping to marketing and promotion, banking, communication and

The National TSE Surveillance Program (NTSESP) conducts surveillance for bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE or mad cow disease) in cattle and scrapie in sheep.

There are many hundreds of species of spiders in Australia which play a beneficial role in our environment by eating insect pests.

Which cereal or variety is more profitable to grow on wheat or canola stubble? There were nine trials conducted across the wheatbelt in 2014 addressing this issue.

The National Arbovirus Monitoring Program (NAMP) monitors the distribution of economically important insect-borne viruses of livestock and their vectors.

Using tillage to incorporate lime improves the rates of reaction and increases subsurface pH sooner than spreading lime on the surface alone.

Mangoes have been identified as a promising crop for organic production. They are suitable because of a low nitrogen requirement and relatively low incidence of pests and diseases.

DDLS Seed Testing and Certification offers a wide range of tests to assess the quality of your seed.

Deep sowing wheat (>100mm) will affect productivity.

Pea seed-borne mosaic virus (PSbMV) is a seed-borne and aphid-borne virus that causes yield losses and seed quality defects in field pea crops.

Vaccines can prevent a wide range of diseases that cause reduced production, fertility or death in cattle and economic losses to Western Australian producers.

Globodera rostochiensis, golden or potato cyst nematode (PCN) and G.

Tips for purchasing small rural landholdings is designed to assist prospective purchasers with selecting the most suitable property to meet their needs and expectations.

The sampling method for events meeting the case definition of Newcastle disease are outlined below.

This farm biosecurity educational package developed for upper secondary agricultural students consists of a suite of lesson plans with case studies and activities. The content aims to help students

Grass tetany is a highly fatal disease associated with low levels of magnesium in the blood.

To improve profitability in an increasingly competitive and volatile environment, farmers need to have a deep understanding of their profit drivers and tactical management plans in place.

Australia is free of scrapie, which is a fatal, progressive, degenerative disease of the central nervous system of sheep and goats.

Pink eye or infectious bovine keratoconjunctivitis (IBK) is a common and contagious eye condition that affects cattle of all ages. It is most commonly seen in calves and young stock. 

Lucerne or alfalfa (Medicago sativa) is a deep-rooted, temperate, perennial pasture legume which is well adapted to mixed farming systems in southern Western Australia.

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